
How to test

Minimally needed:

pip install -e ./
cd tests/unit


A simple pytest command will run the unittests and integration tests.

pytest ./

You should see a test report similar to this:

=============================================================== test session starts ================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/juncheng/Projects/libpyvinyl
collected 100 items

integration/plusminus/tests/ .                                                                                       [  1%]
integration/plusminus/tests/ .                                                                                             [  2%]
integration/plusminus/tests/ ...                                                                                    [  5%]
integration/plusminus/tests/ ...........                                                                                   [ 16%]
unit/ ..........                                                                                                       [ 26%]
unit/ ...........................                                                                                            [ 53%]
unit/ .......                                                                                                              [ 60%]
unit/ ........................................                                                                             [100%]

=============================================================== 100 passed in 0.56s ================================================================

You can also run unittests only:

pytest tests/unit

Or to run integration tests only:

pytest tests/integration

Git workflow

  1. Branch from the current master branch

  2. Develop into the newly created branch

  3. Create appropriate unit tests in tests/unit/

  4. Test current development as indicated in Testing.

  5. git rebase -i master w.r.t. current master to include the latest updates and squashing commits to a minimum. See also here.

  6. Push your BRANCH to the upstream repo: git push -f upstream BRANCH.

  7. Create a pull request (PR) to the master branch on the GitHub page.

  8. PR should be reviewed and approved and be passing all CI tests.

  9. If passing all tests, Choose Rebase and merge to merge the PR with no further squashing.